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Chris Gambino

Senior Sustainable Livestock Analyst

Chris Gambino works at the Breakthrough Institute as a Senior Sustainable Livestock Analyst on the Food and Agriculture team, researching emissions from livestock.

Chris holds a Ph.D. in Animal Sciences from Washington State University (WSU), where he was among a prestigious cohort of National Science Foundation IGERT fellows trained to communicate nitrogen-cycling science to decision-makers. His dissertation focused on measuring methane and ammonia fluxes from intensively managed cattle feeding operations. While in graduate school, Chris earned a graduate certificate in Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture from WSU. Over the last decade, Chris has worked on or led projects focused on Food and Agriculture policy at both the national and state levels with aims to overcome barriers to adopt best practices toward a sustainable agriculture system.

In his free time, Chris enjoys developing new recipes, remastering old ones, reading about the intersection of spirituality and agriculture practices, and building lego with his son. He is both a beer and coffee snob."

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