Yeh%2C Crystal

Crystal Yeh

Crystal graduated from Hunter College in 2015 with a BA in Environmental Studies and a BA in Chinese, and a Certificate in Environmental Policy. She has previous experience interning for the Carbon Trust, World Resources Institute, Sealed, and New York Public Interest Research Group. Her primary fields of interest include clean energy and climate change policy, but she's also passionate about China, economic development, and scientific literacy. She has studied abroad in China under the Princeton in Beijing program as well as a year later in Nanjing University under a Boren Scholarship. She was also a PPIA Junior Fellow at Princeton University in Summer 2014, where she co-wrote a report on Social Impact Bonds, a new financing tool. You can find her on the weekends exploring museums, volunteering, or getting her weekly dose of chlorine at a swimming pool. Crystal is a Breakthrough Generation Fellow (2015). Follow Crystal on Twitter @Linette_Crystal.

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