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Frank Laird

Associate Professor, University of Denver

Frank Laird is an expert in energy policy, specializing in renewable energy policy. He is an authority on the history of renewable energy policy development in the U.S. Frank, an associate professor of technology and public policy, teaches at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. His teaching and research interests focus on environmental policy, energy policy, science and technology policy, and public policy more generally. Most of Frank's research has focused on energy policy, particularly the linkage between renewable energy policies and environmental policy. His book Solar Energy, Technology Policy, and Institutional Values was a finalist for 2004 Don K. Price Award for the best book in science and technology policy or politics. Frank has chaired and served on the public policy committee the American Solar Energy Society, during which time he served on the Society's board of directors. He has recently collaborated with the Consortium on Science Policy and Outcomes at Arizona State University on a project applying the lessons of innovation policy to energy.

Read Frank's articles "Just Say No to Greenhouse Gas Emissions Targets" and "A Full-Court Press for Renewable Energy".

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