Joyashree Roy 2014

Joyashree Roy

Professor of Economics, Jadavpur University, ICSSR National Fellow

Dr. Joyashree Roy is currently the Professor of Economics at Jadavpur University, Kolkata in India and a National Fellow of the Indian Council of Social Sciences Research. She initiated and also coordinates the Global Change Programme at Jadavpur University, which focuses on climate change research and beyond. She also directs the Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund Project on “Tradition, Social Change, and Sustainable Development: A Holistic Approach” at the same university. She was a Ford Foundation Post Doctoral Fellow in Environmental Economics at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA.

She is among the network of scientists who shared in the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize awarded to the IPCC (Intergovernmental panel on climate change). She is co-sharer of Prince Sultan Bin Aziz Prize for water, 2012. She has been involved in preparation of Stern Review Report, Global Energy Assessment, and many other national and global reports. She is in the Steering committee of several national and International science-policy interactive platforms and in editorial boards of many international journals.

In her independent research capacity she has authored a number of books and written around 75 articles in peer-reviewed leading professional journals and books.

She is interested in multidisciplinary approaches to understanding development issues. She has traveled widely for research collaborations and research capacity building. Current research interests are: Economics of Climate Change, modeling energy demand, economy-wide modeling exercises for deriving policy implications, water quality demand modeling, water pricing, sustainable indicator estimation, natural resource accounting, valuing environmental services, and developmental and environmental issues relevant for informal sectors, and Coastal Ecosystem service evaluation.

Headshot by Gabriel Harber Photography

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